I got my official New South Wales drivers license, and am also enrolled in the Australian national socialized communist Nazi healthcare system, Medicare.
I am now free to be bitten by some venomous creature.
If you're an American (this may apply to other countries as well) migrating to Oz, as I am, then let me give you a tip. Once you get your Australian visa, the Australian embassy will helpfully tell you that there is no need to get a stamp in your passport, as all the information you will ever need is now electronically delivered via an electronic chip in your passport. They will send you a letter telling you how this chip will help you with everything you need to do to settle into your new home country.
It is unfortunately not true.
The RTA (Roads and Traffic Authority) will not allow you to get an Australian drivers license without a stamp. When informed that the Australian Department of Immigration & Citizenship says they're supposed to accept the chip, they'll say, basically, "Really? Well they're not the boss of me."
More: You may be told by some nice gentleman at the RTA that you need to go to the Australian Department of Immigration & Citizenship office in downtown Sydney and get an Evidence of Residency Certificate, which will cost you $100. Do not get the certificate. Go to the ADIC office—and ask for a stamp in your passport. It's free, and it gets you your drivers license. (And it actually only took me about a half hour once I was there.)
So, if you're moving to Australia, get the stamp in your passport while you're in the U.S. It'll make things much easier.
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