Booze in Australia

The cheapest bottle of booze I can find in Sydney costs $28 for a fifth. That's for cheap scotch. (I'm no scotch expert, but I have had tasted some of the good stuff now and then, tasted it in my mouth, my eyeballs, and suddenly three feet over the top of my head—that's when I understood the scotch thing—and this is not the "good stuff.") There's a sign for "Two cases for $80!" for a fairly normal beer at the local liquor store, although I have found cases of good beer for $32. I'm sure (I hope) I'll find better deals by a bit down the road, but good god amighty, Australia. A cheap but passable bottle of bourbon in the States costs $9. A bottle of Knob Creek costs I think $25. And a case of decent cheap beer goes for $15. $32 will get you some very good beer.

I'm going to have to talk to somebody about this…


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