UPDATE VI: 5 people shot at 3 different gun shows on Gun Appreciation Day

Looks like the final tally is 5 people shot at gun shows today. I sincerely hope they're all okay. (4 more non-gun-show reportedly accidental shootings occurred today; 2 dead.)

Sorry again for my errors. I was moving way too fast.

* * * * *

Raleigh, North Carolina:
At least two people were injured Saturday afternoon in an apparent accidental shooting at the gun show being held at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds. 
Emergency crews responded to the scene shortly after 1 p.m., and two people were loaded into ambulances. 
A witness told WRAL that a gun went off after being checked by an official at a safety check-in location, hitting a man in the hand and a woman in the side.
• Update: This has been updated to 3 people injured.

• And it was a cop.

Medina, Ohio:
The Medina Police Department said one man was shot at the Medina County gun show in Medina Saturday afternoon.
The man was transported by EMS to a nearby hospital and his condition is unknown at this time. 
Update II: Holy crap - another one:
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) - A person who was loading a gun outside of the Indy 1500 Gun and Knife Show at the State Fairgrounds was accidentally shot when his gun discharged Saturday afternoon.
The incident was reported shortly after 4:15 p.m. Saturday.
Indy 1500 Gun and Knife Show PIO Ashley Varner says the man had been inside at the gun show before the incident.
He was walking back to his car, was loading his semi-automatic pistol and accidentally shot himself in the hand, Varner says.
Update VI: 4 more non-gun-show reported accidental shootings today:

• Just horrible.





Updates III, IV, and V not from today.  Too sloppy. I am very sorry. 

Update III: NOT TODAY. FROM JANUARY 9. 1 more, in Ohio again:


Update V, from yesterday 2009 - Oh, Christ:
A man who thought there was an intruder in his house shot and killed his fiancee the day before they were to be married, police said Friday. (Related: From October, 2 retired cops shoot and kill own sons thinking they're intruders.)


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