Song: "You Two Don't Make a Nice Couple"

Happy Valentine's Day:


You two don't make a nice couple
You two are not gonna last
You two are headed for trouble
I suggest you break up fast 
You two don't make a nice couple
You clash like bongos and plaid
I hate to burst your bubble
But seeing you makes me so sad 
A match made in heaven it's not
That arrow was not Cupid's shot
Some hunter perhaps
Who had had too much Pabst
You two the bullseye were not 
You two don't make a nice duo
You do-oh such terrible hurt
To those of us who still are hopeful
There's reason to mingle and flirt 
I know it's hard to admit
You want to believe it so much
It's no fun to be desperate
But you are, it's obvious 
A match made in heaven it's not
Two ships suffering dry rot
Some sailor has gone
And tied one on
He tied you two a slipknot 
Split up now while you're still friends
Enjoy one more night of free sex
Then let this sick fantasy end
Better luck with the next 
Cuz you two don't make a nice couple
You two are not gonna last
You two are headed for trouble
I suggest that you break up fast 

New Song Draft: 'Blue Faces'

Just coming in the last couple of days. The chorus I am just in love with; verses are mumbled pre-shadows of what may or may not come; I hear spartan, smoky sax; bass, of course; maybe background vocals/wails/murmurs; Hammond organ? (why not!); and a much smarter lead guitar player (Jeff Stanley?).

Thank you for listening:

Chorus (I'm tuned down 1/2-step): Am - Bm - E7 - D7 - FM7 - E7 - Am - C - Dm - Am

Oh heck, I've got to include this video of Jeff (website) playing lead - taken by his brother, phtographer Peter Stanley.


Pretty Sure CNN's Twitter Account Has Been Hacked

Why do I say that?

Cuz this (click to enlargenate):

Link - which will no doubt be fixed soon - here.

Time right now: 10:04 AM Sydney time; 3:04 PM U.S. West Coast time.

Update: There were more.
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